Can I Use My NECO Results to Study Abroad? Your Passport Awaits!

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Do you have NECO results and want to pursue an international education? Let me help you clear your doubts and answer some questions you may be asking! The answer is an emphatic YES! You can use your NECO results to study overseas. However, proper planning and knowledge are required.

This post will provide you with all of the necessary information for studying abroad with your NECO.

So, can I actually study overseas with NECO?

Absolutely! While not every university embraces NECO with open arms, many do. The objective is to discover the ideal school environment that meets your academic goals and accepts your NECO certificates. Each university creates its own standards, so understanding their requirements is crucial.

Universities That Accept NECO:

  • Plymouth University (UK): C6 in English gets you in, and if your English needs a little polish, they offer pre-sessional classes.
  • Brandon University (Canada): NECO, WAEC, or other certificates are your golden ticket, but you’ll need to ace five subjects, including English and Math, with two at the advanced level.
  • Sheffield University (UK): Conquer an English C on your NECO and say goodbye to IELTS (if your NECO rocks!). Just make sure it’s not older than five years.
  • Manchester University (UK): Five subjects with B2, including Physics and Math, are their secret formula. Don’t forget that English C4 or higher is a must!
  • Kent University (UK): Grade C or 6 in English on your NECO opens their doors. For programs with higher requirements, you might need a foundation program first.

Your Roadmap to Studying Abroad:

  1. University Safari: Explore universities that fit your academic goals and check if they accept NECO results. Double-check their specific admission requirements!
  2. Entry Essentials: Visit their official websites and confirm NECO acceptance. Keep an eye out for additional requirements, like English proficiency tests.
  3. Document Detectives: Gather your NECO result, transcripts, passport, recommendation letters, and any other documents they request.
  4. English Ace: If needed, conquer those English proficiency tests like TOEFL or IELTS. Show them your language skills are top-notch!
  5. Application Avalanche: Fill out those forms and submit everything by the deadlines.
  6. NECO Evaluation: Some universities might want your NECO evaluated or compared to their standards.
  7. Financial Foresight: Plan your finances! Explore scholarships, research tuition fees, and living costs. Remember, knowledge is expensive but worth every penny.
  8. Visa Voyage: Once accepted, embark on the visa application journey. Patience and paperwork are your weapons!
  9. Travel Triumph: Book your flights, find accommodation, and pack your bags. The adventure awaits.


  • Canada and NECO? Many Canadian universities, like Brandon University, welcome NECO results with open arms.
  • UK Adventures with NECO? Universities like Manchester, Sheffield, and Kent are happy to see your NECO results.
  • US and NECO? While some US universities accept NECO, WAEC is more common. Do your research!

Remember: Acceptance policies can change, so keep those official university websites close and contact their admissions offices for the latest information.

With thorough research, dedication, and this guide as your compass, you can use your NECO results to launch your study abroad dreams into orbit. So, pack your curiosity, grab your NECO, and get ready to explore the world!

Want to make your dream of studying abroad a reality?

Unicollegelink can help you navigate the complexities of international student applications and admissions. Our team of experienced consultants can guide you through every step of the process, from selecting the right program to securing your visa and travelling to the country and school of your choice.

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